Design Narrative

What’s Your Drip is a Ray Bans Campaign that  focuses on the  target audiences growing obsession with dressing up their dogs. In recent statistics ,  76% of pet owners dress  their pets for occasions. The current target audience for Ray Bans is males and females 25-35, and they typically fall in the upper middle class range. The target audience for this campaign are women aged 30-50.  The goal of this  campaign is to  extend the target audience, and pull in a new category of buyers. The design  is  fun and simple. The colors will be blue and yellow which compliment each other, with cool tones and pops of brighter colors to  focus on the subject. The type will be Effra, a clean font which  will elevate the status of Ray Bans. The campaign will include four ads, with a poster, and a twitter account for the dogs, the tweets will interact with the audience directly.  The ads will be featured around  the following cities: Los Angeles, New York City, Miami, Seattle, and Austin. It will run during the spring time in order to  reach the target audience be fore summer.  They will also be featured in People magazine and Vogue.  In the past few years, most sunglass campaigns have had a very serious tone, with people as their only subject, We All Wear Them will standout from competitors, by having a new subject, and connecting with the audience directly through the dog personas online.